Monday, October 29, 2018

Here & Not Here: An Introduction

This blog comes largely out of requests I have had over the years to share my thoughts publicly about various topics that interest me. Some people (my friends, obviously) seem to think I have good ideas worth reading about. I am flattered!

But before I can share my thoughts, first I have to collect them!

So the title, Here & Not Here reflects my deep and abiding ambivalence about stuff in the world. If politics is the apotheosis of here-ness in a material sense, the really more important stuff all takes place in the realm of not-here-ness. For me, politics in this insane world is pretty much unavoidable. Anyway, for good or bad I cannot keep it out.

But I am interested in much more than that, and I take refuge in a sense of sacredness that emanates from a Knowing beyond religion, in the natural world I am blessed to be able to appreciate, in the past (that is, history as prelude), and above all in a sense of here-ness that dives so deep that it transcends all and brings me back to this moment, this instant of experience. And yonder lies Love and Light and all that is worth doing and having.

At some point, I will tell you my story (beginning, probably, with how I got the monicker Carlisticeday). In the meantime, this blog will give you a dose of my tastes in a lot of things: nature, music, literature, the Inner Life, aesthetics, travel, language, education and current events. Oh, and a lot of other stuff. I never tire of forming opinions. I hope I can keep it interesting for you.

Your friend,
Brockport, and the World

Oh, and in case you are interested, I have a bunch of my songs on SoundCloud. Look for my tag, Carlisticeday, or my band The:GoneAgain.

This blog and a lot of other stuff is brought to you by:

The Ace of Hearts Productions is my almost entirely fictional production company. It employs legions of me and is chartered to promote me and my creative efforts to the world outside of me. When you see this logo, it's your guarantee that you are getting the best of whatever...and that I'm lurking behind it. And so on.
This blog, its literary, musical and visual contents are ©2018 by Carl Davila and The Ace of Hearts Productions. All rights reserved, to me and the heirs of my body, from here to eternity, until death do us part or whatever. This assertion of rights will expire 5 billion years hence, when the Sun uses up its fusion resources and expands and swallows up the Earth. Then you can use this stuff for your own profit. Not before, got it?

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